Grain Highlights 15.10.2024

On the market in Kazakhstan, there is a shortage of third-grade wheat, which is used by millers. A price decline is being observed for fourth- and fifth-grade wheat due to its large supply.

- In the first nine months of 2024, 980,000 tons of flour were exported from Russia (compared to 1 million tons for the entire 2023).

- In Ukraine, 1.12 million hectares of rapeseed have been sown, with a planned 1.123 million hectares, which is 11% less than the previous year.

- In Kazakhstan, there is a shortage of third-grade wheat, which is used by millers. There has been a price decline for fourth- and fifth-grade wheat due to large supplies. There is a significant volume of unclassified wheat for which there is no demand. Authorities are considering options to subsidize the export of the large grain production, including wheat. For 2025, the government plans to optimize the structure of sown crops by reducing the share of wheat and increasing more profitable crops. In August, 78,000 tons of grain were delivered to the country from Russia, including 67,300 tons of wheat.

- In Belarus, 70.8% of the corn crop has been harvested, totaling 1.67 million tons with an average yield of 7.92 tons/hectare.

- According to data from the Ministry of Agriculture of Belarus, as of 14.10.2024, 3.733 million hectares of winter grain crops have been sown, which is 72% of the planned 5.188 million hectares. A year earlier, 3.343 million hectares had been sown (65.2%).

- Due to prolonged drought in northern Brazil, shipping on the Tapajós River was suspended on 04.10.2024. The river connects central and northern regions of the country. The Brazilian terminal group Amport, which services Cargill and Louis Dreyfus, reports that navigation may resume in November after the expected rainfall. The water level needs to rise by at least 20 centimeters.

- As of 15.10.2024, 262,000 tons of grain have been harvested in Mongolia, which is 200,000 tons more than the previous year.

- Saudi Arabia has purchased 360,000 tons of milling wheat with deliveries scheduled between January and March 2025.