Grain Highlights 30.07.2024

After a 3,500-kilometer tour across the prairies of Canada, MarketsFarm forecasts an average durum yield of 44 bushels per acre (2.959 tons per hectare) for 2024/25, which is 18 bushels per acre (1.2) more than in 2023/24.

- Last week, 511,100 tons of grain were exported from the Russian port of Novorossiysk, including 414,000 tons of wheat and 97,100 tons of barley. The largest buyers of wheat were Egypt with 65,400 tons, Tanzania with 56,200 tons, and Bangladesh with 52,500 tons, while Saudi Arabia and Libya were the main buyers of barley, with 64,100 tons and 33,000 tons respectively. A week earlier, only 364,100 tons of wheat were exported.

- For the week of July 31 – August 6, 2024, the export tax on Russian wheat will be 906.4 rubles per ton (down from 1,540.4 the previous week). The export tax on barley and corn remains at zero—unchanged.

- From July 1 to 29, Ukraine exported 3.171 million tons of grain (compared to 2.16 million tons a year earlier), including 1.274 million tons of wheat (758,000 tons), 419,000 tons of barley (285,000 tons), and 1.465 million tons of corn (1.112 million tons).

- In 2024/25, Turkey’s wheat production is projected to be 18.75 million tons (-11% compared to 2023/24), with imports of 6.5 million tons (-30%).

- The European Commission forecasts a grain production of 279 million tons in the EU for 2024/25 (-2% compared to 2023/24). The soft wheat production will be 127 million tons (-1%), corn production is estimated at 60 million tons (-11%). In Bulgaria, the soft wheat production will reach 6.481 million tons (6.346 million in June and 6.496 million in 2023/24), barley production is expected at 875,000 tons (831,000 and 761,000), corn production is forecasted at 2.567 million tons (2.942 and 2.377), sunseed production is expected at 1.842 million tons (2.120 and 1.756), and rapeseed production is predicted at185,000 tons (198,000 and 206,000).

- After a 3,500-kilometer tour across the prairies of Canada, MarketsFarm forecasts an average durum yield of 44 bushels per acre (2.959 tons per hectare) for 2024/25, which is 18 bushels per acre (1.2) more than in 2023/24. With this yield and planted area, the durum wheat production will be 7.4 million tons, representing a strong recovery in production. The spring wheat yield will be 57 bushels per acre (3.83), which is 10 bushels per acre (0.673) more than last year. The spring wheat production will reach 27.8 million tons (+3.4).