Grain Highlights 28.07.2024

According to a forecast by the operator Brava Invest, grain exports from Ukraine in 2024/25 will reach 46.2 million tons (compared to 61.7 million tons in 2023/24).

- In August, the export tax on sunseed meal from Russia will be 1,870 rubles/ton (compared to 901.3 in July), while the zero export tax on sunseed oil remains unchanged. The indicative prices for meal in August are 211.1 USD/ton (198.6 in July) and for oil 798.3 USD/ton (773.3 in July).

- According to a forecast by operator Brava Invest, grain exports from Ukraine in 2024/25 will reach 46.2 million tons (compared to 61.7 in 2023/24). The grain production will be 71.7 million tons (-10.9 million), including 22.5-23.5 million tons of corn.

- As of July 25, 2024, 4.786 million hectares of grain crops have been harvested in Ukraine, yielding 19.248 million tons of grain (13.8 million a week earlier) with an average yield of 4.02 tons/hectare. Harvested wheat amounts to 14.72 million tons with a yield of 4.2 tons/hectare, and barley totals 3.87 million tons with a yield of 3.79 tons/hectare. Rapeseed has been harvested from 1.09 million hectares, producing 3.08 million tons with an average yield of 2.83 tons/hectare.

- Since the beginning of July, Ukraine has exported 176,000 tons of soybeans, which is 27% more than the previous year. The largest buyers were Egypt, Romania, and Turkey.

- During the week of July 13-19, the United States produced 1.095 million barrels of ethanol per day (compared to 1.106 million the previous week). Ethanol stocks increased to 23.72 million barrels (from 23.16 million).

- According to FAS USDA's forecast, Brazil's wheat areas in 2024/25 will be 9.9 million acres (up from 8.4 million in 2023/24), with a production of 9.5 million tons.

- According to the Buenos Aires Grain Exchange, as of July 24, 2024, 6.12 million hectares of wheat have been sown in Argentina, which is 98.5% of the planned 6.3 million hectares. Rainfall in the central and eastern parts of the country has helped complete the campaign. 39% of the crops were in good to excellent condition (42% a week earlier and 26% a year earlier), 55% in satisfactory condition (54% and 63%), and 6% in poor to very poor condition (4% and 11%). Corn has been harvested from 86.6% of the areas, yielding 40.47 million tons of grain with an average yield of 6.49 tons/hectare. The total corn production will reach 46.5 million tons.