Grain Highlights 18.07.2024

The Association of Farm Cooperatives in Germany predicts a wheat production of 20.2 million tons in 2024 (down 6.2% from the previous season).

- As of 07/18/2024, Belarus has harvested 2.163 million tons of cereals and rapeseed, including 1.475 million tons of grain and 688,000 tons of rapeseed.

- The Association of Farm Cooperatives in Germany predicts a wheat production of 20.2 million tons in 2024 (down 6.2% from the previous season), winter barley production of 9.01 million tons (down 5.9%), winter rapeseed production of 3.8 million tons (down 10%), spring barley production of 1.88 million tons (up 32.8%), and corn production of 4.59 million tons (up 2.1%).

- According to data from China's Customs Service, in June, the country imported 0.92 million tons of corn, the lowest level since December 2022. In June, the import of all crops was 15.327 million tons, including 11.114 million tons of soybeans. From January to June, deliveries were 84.179 million tons (up 5% from the previous year).

- Jordan has canceled a tender for the purchase of 120,000 tons of feed barley of unspecified origin. A new tender is announced, which will be held on 07/24/2024.

- Algeria has purchased 600,000 tons of soft milling wheat of unspecified origin. According to some market operators, the purchase was actually between 700,000 to 800,000 tons of wheat. The suppliers are Russia, Ukraine, and Bulgaria, with prices ranging from 241 USD to 244 USD per ton C&F.

- Egypt's wheat stocks are sufficient to meet domestic demand for the next 6.9 months. Stocks of vegetable oils are sufficient for the next 5.6 months.