Grain Highlights 29.06.2023

According to the forecast of the Ministry of Agriculture of Bulgaria, the wheat production in the country is expected to reach 6 million tons in 2023/24 with areas of 1,194 million hectares.

- According to a forecast of the Ukrainian Agribusiness Club, the grain production in Ukraine will reach 42.5 million tons in 2023/24 (53 in 2022/23), including corn production of 21.1 million tons, wheat production of 16.3 million tons and barley production of 4.2 million tons. The production of oil crops is estimated at 18.9 million tons, including sunseed production of 12.2 million tons, soybean production of 3.8 million tons and rapeseed production of 2.9 million tons.

- The European Investment Bank will provide a loan in the amount of 50 million euro for the construction of a new grain terminal (and for bulk cargo) in the port of Varna. The project investor will be Logistic Center Varna AED, part of the Buildcom Group - one of the largest grain traders and sunseed oil producers in Bulgaria. The terminal start operation in the second quarter of 2026.

- According to the forecast of the Ministry of Agriculture of Bulgaria, the wheat production in the country is expected to reach 6 million tons in 2023/24 with areas of 1,194 million hectares. Ending wheat stocks in Bulgaria for the 2022/23 crop will be 1.31 million tons.

- Chicago commodity funds were net sellers of 20,000 contracts of corn, 18,000 contracts of soybeans and 13,000 contracts of wheat yesterday.

- Refinitiv Commodities Research has raised its forecast for the 2023/24 wheat production in Canada by 0.7 million tons to 34 million tons (33.8 in 2022/23). The forecast for exports remains unchanged - 18.2 million tons, which is at the level of 2022/23.

- According to StatsCan's forecast, 26.9 million acres of wheat will be sown in Canada in 2023/24 (+6.7% compared to 2022/23), which is the highest level for the last 22 years. Canola areas are 22.1 million acres (+3.2%).

- According to the FAS USDA forecast, the wheat production in Australia will reach 29 million tons in 2023/24 (-10.7 compared to the record of 2022/23). Exports will drop to 21 million tons (31). The barley production will be 10 million tons (14.1), and exports are projected at  2 million tons (5.5).

- Thailand has rejected all offers to sell 55,000 tons of feed wheat due to high price. The best bid from the tender was priced at 275 USD/ton C&F for September delivery and 285 USD/ton C&F for November-December delivery.