Grain Highlights 03.10.2024

The Egyptian state company GASC has signed direct contracts for the purchase of 3.12 million tons of wheat.

- As of 01.09.2024, wheat stocks in Russian agricultural organizations have reached 24.8 million tons, down 14% from the previous year, according to SovEcon data. Analysts estimate the wheat production will reach 82.9 million tons, compared to 92.8 million tons last year.

- The EU is introducing new rules for the import of palm oil. Suppliers must declare that the oil was not produced on lands deforested or degraded after 31.12.2024. The regulation aims to preserve global forests, particularly in regions where palm plantations are cultivated. If approved, the law will take effect for large companies on 30.12.2025, and for medium and small companies on 30.06.2026.

- According to USDA data, US soybean processing in August reached 5.02 million tons, the lowest level in three years, down 13% from July and 0.6% from August 2023. Soyoil stocks are 1.63 billion pounds, down 19% month-over-month and 8.2% year-over-year.

- The Egyptian state company GASC has signed direct contracts for the purchase of 3.12 million tons of wheat. Around 510,000 tons will be delivered monthly from producers in the Black Sea region. The companies involved in the deal have not been disclosed.

- Saudi Arabia has announced a tender to purchase 295,000 tons of milling wheat from any origin, with delivery scheduled within December to January.