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Grain Highlights 08.02.2022

In January, wheat exports from France to non-EU countries were at their lowest level for the last five months, reaching 775,000 tons (808,200 in December and 546,000 in January 2021).

Grain Highlights 07.02.2022

According to data from the Buenos Aires Grain Exchange, as of February 3, 2022, 37% of soybean crops are in good and excellent condition in Argentina (38 weeks earlier and 17% last season).

Grain Highlights 04.02.2022

According to the forecast of Oil World, over the period March - September, Turkey may reduce imports of sunseed oil to 270,000 - 300,000 tons (416,000 a year earlier).

Grain Highlights 03.02.2022

According to the forecast of the Cogo agency, the soybean production in Brazil will reach 125 million tons in 2021/22 (131 in the previous estimate and -14.2% compared to 2020/21).

Grain Highlights 01.02.2022

Analysts from AgRural have lowered their forecast for the soybean production in Brazil in 2021/22 to 128.5 million tons (133.4 in the previous estimate and 144.7 at the beginning of the season).

Grain Highlights 31.01.2022

According to the Russian Ministry of Agriculture, wheat areas will reach 29.535 million hectares, which will be 818.1 thousand hectares more than the previous season.

Grain Highlights 28.01.2022

Deral lowered its forecast for soybean production in the Brazilian state of Paraná to 12.83 million tons (-35% compared to 2020/21 and 13.1 in the estimate from the beginning of January).

Grain Highlights 27.01.2022

According to the forecast of HIS Markit, corn areas in the United States will be 89 million acres in 2022 (91.49 in the December estimate and -1.87 compared to 2021).

Grain Highlights 26.01.2022

According to data from the European Commission, as of January 23, 2022, 15.62 million tons of wheat were exported from the EU (15.04 years earlier and 17.21 in 219/20).