
Güncel Veriler - Abonelik
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Üye Ol / Abonelik

Grain Highlights 20.12.2021

According to the Statistical Office of China, 790,000 tons of corn were imported into the country in November (1.3 million tons in October and -35.7% compared to November 2020), which is the lowest level for the last 19 months.

Grain Highlights 18.12.2021

AgRural expects the new corn production in Brazil to reach 114.4 million tons, which is 1.1 million tons below the previous estimate.

Grain Highlights 16.12.2021

According to Oil World, in the first 3 months of the current MY, soybean imports to China are at their lowest level of 20.56 million tons for the last 4 years (28 years earlier).

Grain Highlights 14.12.2021

Coceral forecasts that the grain production in the EU+UK will be 304.5 million tons in 2022 (307.6 million tons in 2021).

Grain Highlights 13.12.2021

Last week, China bought 6-10 loads of French feed wheat (about 600,000 tons) with delivery within January - March 2022. For the whole of 2021/22, wheat exports in this direction are expected to exceed 2 million tons.

Grain Highlights 11.12.2021

For the week starting from 10.12.2021, the export tax on Russian wheat will be 91 USD/ton (84.9 weeks earlier).

Grain Highlights 09.12.2021

According to Imea's forecast, the soybean production in the Brazilian state of Mato Grosso will reach 38.14 million tons in 2021/22, which will be a new historical record.

Grain Highlights 08.12.2021

Farmers in Ukraine have almost completed the harvesting campaign of corn and immediately increased sales. The larger volume of corn on the market pushes prices down. Corn price for December range within 258 - 260 USD/ton and prices for January are within 260 - 262 USD/ton.