
Grain Highlights 30.04.2023

As of 04/24/2023, according to FranceAgriMer data, 44% of the planned corn areas in France have been sown (+24% for the week and 56% a year earlier).

Grain Highlights 27.04.2023

According to the forecast of APC - Inform, the sunseed production in Ukraine will reach 12.78 million tons in 2023 (+15% compared to 2022). Sunseed exports are projected to reach 1.4 million tons (-39%).

Grain Highlights 26.04.2023

Refinitiv Commodities Research has lowered its forecast for the 2023/24 EU soft wheat production by 1 million tons to 131.2 million tons (126 in 2022/23).

Grain Highlights 25.04.2023

According to a Rusagrotrans forecast, the wheat production in Russia will reach 83.5 million tons in 2023/24 (+1 compared to the previous estimate). At the end of March, the forecast was increased by 1.5 million tons.

Grain Highlights 24.04.2023

Weather conditions in Ukraine create serious problems for the sowing of spring crops. Rainfall is not much in volumes, but at the same time there are no sunny days to allow the soil to dry out for the sowing process to begin.

Grain Highlights 21.04.2023

Agritel forecast a 2023/24 Russian wheat production of 83.2 million tons. The Ministry of Agriculture of Russia predicts a wheat production of 78 million tons (104.2 in 2022/23).

Grain Highlights 20.04.2023

The Ministry of Agriculture of Russia forecasts a 2023/24 grain production in the country of 123 million tons, including wheat production of 78 million tons.

Grain Highlights 19.04.2023

The European Commission has offered compensation to farmers from Eastern Europe in connection with the supply of Ukrainian grain in the amount of 100 million euros.

Grain Highlights 18.04.2023

According to USDA data as of 04/16/2023, the state of winter wheat crops in the United States remains unchanged and is the worst in the history of statistics.

Grain Highlights 17.04.2023

Hungary, Slovakia and Poland have introduced a temporary ban on the import of Ukrainian grain until 30.06.2023. Transit of Ukrainian production through both countries is permitted. Bulgaria is considering a temporary ban on Ukrainian production.