
Güncel Veriler - Abonelik
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Grain Market Overview 16.10.2024

Yesterday, wheat, corn, soybean, and soymeal futures in Chicago decreased, while soyoil futures increased. In Paris, wheat, corn, and rapeseed futures also decreased.

Grain Market Overview 15.10.2024

Yesterday, wheat, corn, soybean, and soyoil futures in Chicago decreased, while soymeal futures saw a slight increase. In Paris, wheat, corn, and rapeseed futures declined.

Weekly Analysis 07.10.2024 - 13.10.2024

Over the past week, wheat futures in Chicago increased, while corn, soybean, soymeal, and soyoil futures decreased. In Paris, wheat from the current crop increased, while the price of the new wheat crop decreased; corn and rapeseed futures rose.

Grain Market Overview 11.10.2024

Yesterday, wheat and soyoil futures in Chicago increased, while corn, soybean, and soymeal futures decreased. In Paris, wheat, corn, and rapeseed futures rose.

Grain Market Overview 10.10.2024

Yesterday, wheat, corn, and soybean futures in Chicago increased, while soymeal and soyoil futures decreased. In Paris, wheat and corn futures decreased, while rapeseed futures rose.

Grain Market Overview 09.10.2024

Yesterday, wheat futures in Chicago increased, while corn, soybean, soymeal, and soyoil futures decreased. In Paris, wheat futures rose, while corn and rapeseed futures declined.

Grain Market Overview 08.10.2024

Yesterday, wheat, corn, and soyoil futures in Chicago increased, while soybean and soymeal futures decreased. In Paris, wheat, corn, and rapeseed futures rose, with the exception of a slight drop in the December wheat futures.

Weekly Analysis 30.09.2024 - 06.10.2024

Last week, wheat, corn, and soyoil futures in Chicago increased, while soybean and soymeal futures declined. In Paris, wheat, corn, and rapeseed futures saw significant increases.

Grain Market Overview 04.10.2024

Yesterday, wheat, corn, soybean, and soymeal futures in Chicago declined, while soyoil futures increased. In Paris, wheat and corn futures also fell, while rapeseed futures rose.

Grain Market Overview 03.10.2024

Yesterday, wheat, corn, and soyoil futures in Chicago increased, while soybean and soymeal futures declined. In Paris, wheat and corn futures rose, but rapeseed futures fell.