Yesterday, wheat, corn, soybean, and soyoil futures rose in Chicago, while soymeal futures declined. In Paris, wheat, corn, and rapeseed futures increased.
According to an IKAR forecast, Russia's 2024 sunseed production will total 15.8 million tons (compared to 17.4 million in 2023), rapeseed production is epxected at 4.7 million tons (up from 4.2 million), and soybean production is projected at 6.9 million tons (up from 6.8 million).
Yesterday, wheat and soymeal futures in Chicago increased, while corn, soybean, and soyoil futures declined. In Paris, wheat and corn futures moved in opposite directions, while rapeseed futures fell.
Yesterday, wheat, soybean, soymeal, and soyoil futures in Chicago increased, while corn futures decreased. In Paris, wheat, corn, and rapeseed futures rose.
Over the past week, wheat, corn, and soyoil futures in Chicago decreased, while soybean and soymeal futures saw increases. Except for wheat, all changes were minimal. In Paris, wheat and corn futures experienced significant declines, while rapeseed futures saw a slight decrease.