India has banned the export of certain varieties of rice and imposed an export tax of 20% on others. The country has a share of 40% of the world's rice exports. An increase in the prices of rice and wheat is expected.
As of 06.09.2022, there are 204 ships that received permission to load grain from Ukraine, including 108 in ports and 96 departed. Their total tonnage is about 2,213 million tons.
Strategie Grains forecast a 2022 EU sunseed production of 9.17 million tons (10.34 in 2021 and 8.8 in 2020), soybean production of 2.49 million tons (2.69 and 2.64) and rapeseed production of 19.15 million tons (17 and 16.63).
According to Agritel's forecast, the corn production in France will reach 10.8 million tons in 2022, which is the lowest result for the last 100 years.